Discover your Brand's Archetype

There are 12 Brand Archetypes referenced in marketing, an assessment sometimes also referred to as the Brand Personality Quiz. Products and services, like people, have an image. This image is a personality, a perception that can make or break your business in the marketplace. We either consciously create it, or it’s created by default. Closely aligning yourself to one of these 12 archetypes can help your brand become more familiar, and thus more trusted by your target market. Identifying your organisation’s archetype can help you articulate it, give your brand meaning and foster a connection that better speaks to your target audience.

Free Assessment

The brand archetype assessment will take about 10 minutes to complete. There are 48 questions in total.

For each question, you'll be asked how strongly you agree with the statement. This is a free brand archetype questionnaire commonly utilised by marketing agencies or brand designers to support the development a branding strategy for your business.


Is the goal of your brand to serve and protect others?

Do you focus on members constantly trying to achieve balance in caring for others? (eg. kids, sick individuals, etc.)

Do you encourage authentic action (e.g. walk the walk), provide a high level of service and do nice things for others?

Would you describe your brand as nurturing, compassionate, empathetic, fiercely protective, selfless, humble, traditional, being calm in crisis and comforting?


Is the goal of your organisation to achieve market domination through providing high-status products or the promise of safety and security?

Do you focus on customers typically concerned with image, status, or prestige who naturally gravitate towards tradition and heritage?

Do you encourage a structure that’s stable, functional, orderly, productive and harmonious, with strong control of processes?

Would you describe your brand as confident, prestigious, a leader, expert, competent, holding fast to tradition, maintaining order and providing protection?


Is the goal of your organisation to recreate or re-imagine something to allow others to express themselves?

Do you focus on members who buy things not to impress others, but to express how much they love beautiful, high quality things?

Do you encourage self-expression, innovation, collaboration, brainstorming, autonomy and freedom to create, dismantling old systems/processes to create something new in its place?

Would you describe your brand with a highly developed aesthetic, imaginative, non-linear, perfectionist, insightful, a storyteller, expressive and achievement oriented?


Is the goal of your brand to help people find or realise happiness?

Does your company value simplicity and ethics?

Are your products/services based around being natural, pure, simple or predictive?

Would you describe your brand as believing in goodness, bursting with energy, wanting to make theworld a better place, being a source of inspiration and motivation?


Is the goal of your brand to seek knowledge and to provide expertise and information to others?

Does your company value absolute truth and transparency, no exceptions?

Do you encourage freedom of thought, individuality, research, analysis and learning?

Would you describe your brand as an intelligent communicator, having a healthy dose of skepticism, making decisions based on factual research, loving alternative perspectives, while maintaining objectivity?


Does your brand feel at home in the wilderness or nature?

Do you help people discover new things, find freedom to express their individuality?

Do you encourage nonconformity, individuality, decentralization and democracy?

Would you describe your brand as pushing boundaries, motivated by new experiences, on a discovery quest, loving diversity, groundbreaking or pioneering?


Is the goal of your brand to disrupt the status quo in your industry or society?

Do you focus on customers who feel at odds with society, or law abiders who just want to let off steam?

Do you encourage free-thinking and radical ideas that push the envelope?

Would you describe your brand as a rule breaker, maverick, reformer, having an independent streak, having varying levels of shock factor?


Is the goal of your brand to foster ‘magical moments’ that feel special, novel, or exciting?

Do you focus on customers with a desire for personal transformation (eg. from inefficient to productive, feeling lost to enlightened, from chaos to peace)?

Do you have a grandiose purpose that you believe, if you apply the right formula, success is inevitable?

Would you describe your brand as a limitless big dreamer, nothing is impossible, passionate and curious, transforming creative energy into practical expression?


Is the goal of your brand to fight an invisible enemy in a personal or social context?

Do you focus on customers who are competitive (even if just against themselves), who crave a sense of achievement in overcoming challenges?

Do you encourage dedication, achievement and a clear sense of conviction lived out daily?

Would you describe your brand as fearless, courageous, disciplined, goal oriented, a rescuer of others, fighting for the powerless?


Is the goal of your brand to appreciate customers by developing meaningful relationships?

Do you focus on customers who crave connection, who want to be loved and feel special?

Do you encourage appreciation of others, enduring respectful relationships, collaboration and consensus decision-making?

Would you describe your brand as passionate, optimistic, romantic, a trustworthy companion, dependable, a facilitator of connections?


Is the goal of your brand to grab attention by making light of things in an unconventional, silly, or over the-top way?

Do you focus on customers that are younger or “young at heart” who are turned off by seriousness but appreciate creativity and cleverness?

Do you encourage a non-corporate fun-loving culture, innovative out-of-the-box thinking and living life to the fullest each day?

Would you describe your brand as a playful entertainer, challenging conventions in refreshing ways, controversial but charming?


Is the goal of your brand to welcome everyone with dignity afforded to each person regardless of difference?

Do you focus on members who like to fit in or feel comfortable when they’re being themselves?

Do you encourage transparency, teamwork, strong sense of pride, a casual atmosphere, welcoming family culture?

Would you describe your brand as friendly, helpful, genuine, respectful, a community connector, relatable?

your brand personality














now you know your brand archetype

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Brand Archetypes were originally designed by one of the most referenced psychiatrists, psychoanalyst Carl Jung who founded analytical psychology. Carl theorized that humans use symbolism to better understand concepts. These symbolic personalities help businesses achieve competitive advantage through identity.

Rather than competing based on logical choices like postage efficiencies or price, the company builds resonance and meaning, appealing to a different area of our brain. For example, The North Face is the Explorer, Victoria’s Secret – the Lover, Google – the Sage. Our brains are wired to group similar things together, and if a brand adopts an archetype, people recognise it and understand it better. Your brand becomes more trusted because it’s subconsciously perceived as ‘familiar’. We recognise these characteristics on a subconscious level, and studies have found that brands that align themselves to an archetype create a competitive advantage that few businesses know how to leverage.

Take the Brand Archetypes quiz and identify what it is that makes your brand different, a difference that you may not have recognised before. Discover why people love your brand, how it makes them feel, and how to stand out even more. Knowing your brand archetype will help you claim pricing power, attract inbound leads, shorten your sales cycle, build compelling offers, cohesive content, raving fans and market authority.

Brand personalities can also help stakeholders better understand conceptual branding, and illustrate to creatives how to position your business in the marketplace. Owning your brand personality helps ensure you are not leaving your brand persona to chance, but are building a psychology-driven brand that resonates with your target audience.

The twelve brand archetypes reflect common characters we’ve met in life or seen in stories: The Hero, The Innocent one, the everyday bloke/girl next door (originally described as ‘everyman’), the Rebel, Explorer, Creator, Ruler, Magician, Lover, Caregiver, Entertainer, and Sage. Which your business best aligns with, can be revealed through the brand archetype assessment.

While brand archetypes contribute significantly to the realm of brand strategy, it is crucial to acknowledge that the intricacies of this discipline extend beyond a singular dimension.

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